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#1. Her husband took (…) of the fine weather to do a lot of work in their garden.

1) advantage; 2) chance; 3) effect; 4) interest; 5) dislike.

#2. Your answers to the examination questions must (…) exactly the instructions given below.

1) accompany; 2) keep; 3) follow; 4) track; 5) conform.

#3. Teresa seems (…) about whether her parents will approve of her decision or not.

1) doubtful; 2) undoubted; 3) unlikely; 4) likely; 5) without doubt.

#4. The matter is, doctor, 1 just cannot (…) this dreadful cough.

1) get rid of; 2) get down to; 3) get out of; 4) get round to; 5) get away.

#5. (…) of us all, I would like to thank you for accepting our invitation.

1) In person; 2) Instead; 3) On account; 4) On behalf; 5) By means.

28.05.2009 Розділ 11 Комментарии отключены admin

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