
Заповніть пропуски відповідним прийменником або артиклем.

l)upon; 2) with; 3)а; 4) into; 5) an; 6)0; 7) above; 8) throughout; 9) the; 10) up; 11) of; 12) in; 13) about; 14) off; 15) at.

#1. [ must pass my tests (…) all costs.

#2. (…) the end they got married, but we had thought they never would.

#3. The police were called in to deal (…) the situation.

#4. When Ann was in the USA she ran (…) an old friend of hers at the art exhibition.

#5. John, (…) friend of mine, can’t go to (…) movies tonight.

28.05.2009 Розділ 05 Комментарии отключены admin

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